Caliva column reveals sexism and ignorance
So this appeared in the paper was a response to my column from my previous post. If you have the time, look this girl up on the Facebook and read her Xanga. She probably didn't like my column because she's an outright whore. Is it sexist to want a girl to treat herself with respect? A little modesty can go a long way! If a girl gets drunk -in this example, drinks 12 bottles of wine - and a guy has sex with her, it's not her fault and she's been raped? Are you kidding? It might be partially the guys fault, but the girl drank those drinks. With each bottle of wine she downed, she's as much raping herself as any guy could do later.
Naturally it's going to be a girl's reponsiblity to handle the birth control. Last time I checked if a guy takes some Plan B, nothing's going to happen (except maybe for a massive headache and excessive hair growth). Men do have responsiblity when it comes to birth control, but ultimately, a girl must take care of herself. Then again a responsible gentleman would probably do the right thing and abstain from sex until marriage; but the 1960s and the sexual revolution destroyed any realistic hope of that happening. It's really sad there are people out in the world like this. Megan Nordyke, take some personal responsibility, don't blame other people for your mistakes.
Drinking excessively might put you in a compromised position, I'll give you that. But to say she's raping herself? A woman's drinking alcohol, even in excess, doesn't force a guy to stick a penis in someone's vagina without the woman's consent.
Placing the blame on a woman for the actions of a seperate male person is, to me, in fact sexist.
The same goes for your notion of birth control. Eggs aren't fertilized without sperm. Both male and female are needed to create a life, and both are responsible for a pregnancy. Given these facts, the conclusion that a woman is responsible for "handling the birth control" is also a sexist view.
And at least this time, you can't use your flawed hypothesis that only an "outright whore" would dislike your column. I for one am a happily married, faithful woman who believes your article (and even more so your blog entry) smacks of sexist ideology.
Hey Trey, remember this? I'm a successful attorney fighting for victims of abuse. Are you still desperately bidding for attention and flouting your blatantly misogynistic views on blogspot?
Go fuck yourself.
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